A very personal blog


i never actually thought i was helping enough, but thank you for appreciating my efforts. >:) the hardest thing i did was type, so it doesn’t really feel like i did a lot already. yeah, i made a proposal letter, created an ending for one play, wrote stuff but those only took me less than an hour each, and re-typing the 2 plays took me 5++ hours (including facebook breaks) so that’s more effort on my part hahaha

i have a problem. i’m forgetting the things i’m supposed to do. O_O and i’m writing this in hopes of stumbling upon them, one way or another. yeah, through facebook… or just by constantly thinking about it. i just don’t fucking remember my homeworks. haaay k, time to bring back my jotterpad. @_@;

lakas maka-haggard ng inet grabe. this day was all about work, AS IN. worked in the morning, bummed around a bit during the afternoon and helped ludrick with whatever, then attended a seminar for SA’s.

it’s an understatement to call myself busy cos whenever i get home, i drop everything on the bed and sleep. and even with the things i do, somehow i still find myself unoccupied.

the seminar was fun but it took too long. it was supposed to end at 530 but we were dismissed at 8pm. wew huh? good thing daddy waited for me. thank you! love you daddy! happy happy anniv!

speaking of my parent’s anniv, i’m listing three things that make their relationship special… or weird. whatever suits you.

1. my mom is 7 years older than my dad
2. they only dated for 3 months then decided to get wed already. and i mean they only knew each other for 3 freaking months. when they were introduced, they started dating already, reto-reto kasi e.
3. my dad didn’t have ex-girlfriends. in short, my mom was his first and last. for a guy, that’s unbelievable. well, my mom had 4, making daddy his 5th and last. haha

i was surprised at number 2, but i gathered the real reason behind it was that my mom was already getting old. she was 30 then and my dad, 23. if you were at my mom’s shoes you’d be in a manic obsession to get wed, or engaged, at least. lol i was exaggerating, she wasn’t desperate, but she knew she was lagging behind. HAHA

it’s a real blessing that their relationship worked out perfectly. i mean, who would’ve thought 3 months of dating would turn into 22 years of marriage? quite a miracle, if you ask me. thank you Lord for my parents! >:D