A very personal blog

Year: 2023

  • Success!!!

    Oh my goodness I can finally say I’ve COMPLETELY migrated my domain from the overly outdated platform that is Blogger/Blogspot whatever, to WordPress! Somebody give me a pat on the back, I freaking toiled over this for weeeeks! Now if I die and nobody renews my domain and hosting, my online diary is gone forever.…

    Read more: Success!!!

  • Major move

    I finally decided to move The Blahger from Blogspot to WordPress. Note to self: Start fixing at 2019 This was so messy and I must admit I kinda did it on a whim. I was actually encouraged by one of my latest youtube comments saying she found my vlog through one of my blog post…

    Read more: Major move

  • Life Lately

    Life Lately

    I’ve changed the layout again. I realized I didn’t need a sidebar because I couldn’t care less what I’m currently reading, and the recent posts is kindof redundant if you’re coming from the homepage. And it’s not like people would want to know what I’ve posted recently if they came from a specific landing page.…

    Read more: Life Lately

  • Annoying horizonal scrollbar

    Been trying to fix the comment section on my blog after discovering that it’s causing a wide white space causing a horizontal scrollbar to show. Disabling the comment section removes the white space (that’s how I discovered it) but I need my comments section so I’m still trying to figure it out. I tried replacing…

    Read more: Annoying horizonal scrollbar

  • Seriously


    I just wrote about this a few hours ago and now I have one! Guess my birthday’s not over, I keep gifting myself unnecessary stuff lol. Hopefully I’ll come to like this! Excited to unbox this one!

    Read more: Seriously

  • What is up

    I really need to frkn work on my Youtube backlogs. My earnings are dwindling. Had a fun birthday staycation at Tagaytay. First time to bring Koomi this far so we were a bit apprehensive. Packed a lot of stuff. Had to bring a cart with us. Normally we just bring 2 backpacks with us. Koomi…

    Read more: What is up