

Oh my goodness I can finally say I’ve COMPLETELY migrated my domain from the overly outdated platform that is Blogger/Blogspot whatever, to WordPress!

Somebody give me a pat on the back, I freaking toiled over this for weeeeks!

Now if I die and nobody renews my domain and hosting, my online diary is gone forever.

Whereas if I kept blogging under free hosting, even if my domain doesn’t get renewed, my blog will still be alive under a subdomain so it will outlive me.

Anyway, I decided not to care because I don’t intend for my legacy to be a treasure trove of embarrasment and bad grammar. I will not be remembered that way.

I will not be remembered.

Anywhooo. The biggest challenge with this whole migration thing is THE COMMENTS. Half the battle was trying to make Disqus appear. If I hadn’t read this article I wouldn’t have learned why it’s not showing no matter what I do. And it took me days to figure out how to describe my problem exactly, cos there were freaking layers to it.

Layers I’m proud to have peeled off as I dug deeper (into my skin) about the impossibility of one of the most popular commenting systems not integrating with one of the most popular blogging platforms. It just doesn’t make sense. So I knew I needed to refine my problem statement.

The development of my searches went this way…

  • Disqus not showing on wordpress blog
  • Disqus not replacing native wordpress commenting system
  • Disqus not replacing default wordpress comment form
  • Disqus and wpDiscuz not showing
  • Disqus not working on new wordpress themes
  • Disqus not showing on full site editor block editor wordpress site
  • How to install wpdiscuz on modern wordpress theme

And then finally I chanced upon the abovementioned article saying you should do away with the native comments block and replace it with a shortcode instead. AAAARGGHHH.

So yeah. When that was done, what’s left to do is map the comments to their respective posts, specially that the URL format has changed. And that’s another deal in itself.

I had to scour through all of the comments made in Disqus and made sure the post URLs is Disqus is the same as the URLs in this blog, otherwise the comments won’t load. It was such a tedious job, and I was already halfway into it when I realized I could automate the part where I check if the URL returns a 404. Wth, I could’ve saved myself a looot of time.

But now that it’s all good, I can rest!

It was both tiring and fun working on this project. Definitely a trip down memory lane looking at my old posts and everyone’s comments. Made me feel nostalgic. I miss the times when I would just write and write and write without any care for cohesion or good grammar. And miss the days when I have an actual blog list I can read and friends who check on me through my blog.

I miss it. It was fun. I miss my friends!

Happy Holidays!

Major move

 I finally decided to move The Blahger from Blogspot to WordPress.

Note to self: Start fixing at 2019

This was so messy and I must admit I kinda did it on a whim. I was actually encouraged by one of my latest youtube comments saying she found my vlog through one of my blog post and was feeling nostaglic about reading blogs because no one write blogs anymore. Everyone’s moved to other platforms. And that’s true.

So I decided I wanted to continue blogging at The Blahger.

And so I started. I created a new domain, installed WordPress, and updated the DNS. I imported all of my posts and so far…

  • I’m missing all of my comments lol
  • and all of my posts for 2004 haha
  • and some months from 2005 omg
  • and I’m also looking at each freaking post to fix the layout because the images aren’t wrapping properly urgh

Oh wait maybe I can fix that through CSS..

Anyway. I’m tired.

But welcome to my new home!

If you landed here from a search page and couldn’t find what you’re looking for, try the search bar cos the links are probably messed up and Google hasn’t started reindexing yet 😊.

Life Lately

I’ve changed the layout again. I realized I didn’t need a sidebar because I couldn’t care less what I’m currently reading, and the recent posts is kindof redundant if you’re coming from the homepage. And it’s not like people would want to know what I’ve posted recently if they came from a specific landing page. So yeah, I just needed a search bar so I placed that with the footer.

What’s up lately?

I just made another big purchase, probably my last for this year cos it’s practically the last thing I can afford this time lol.

I finally bought a Dyson. A v12 submarine that has a mop attachment so I can finally eliminate the mop and bucket thing.

So far it’s been great. It vacuums better, feels lighter, and even though there’s a learning curve with using the mop, it’s still heaps better than having to haul a bucket of water around the house and scrub the floor for hardened dirt. My Dyson does that for me. Although it’s slower, because I have to go over one place over and over to soak it and scrub it, it takes less effort so I don’t find myself sweating after a cleaning session.

It basically made my cleaning experience less tiring.

But we’ll see in the long run. I bought a dock at Lazada that allows me to place it conveniently near the charger, where the attachments are easily accessible, and I’m loving it!

The fluffy floor brush with the laser feature is also very cool. It illuminates dust from the floor, making me clean more obsessively lol.

Aaand, because of this Dyson purchase, I got qualified for SMAC Prestige. Cool! Didn’t think I need the perks but thanks anyway!