

It’s been a little over two weeks since my scar tissue was removed. My surgeon says he was able to extract a lot of fibrosis so I should be able to progress better now.

Unfortunately my staples got infected so it was very painful to bend it because the knee around the staples gets stretched. Even putting pressure on my foot makes it sting so it was impossible for me to endure aggressive PT.

I told this to my doctor and also showed pics of my infected staples. He was on vacation but as soon as he got back we scheduled an appointment so he could remove the suture and check my wound.

And that was yesterday.

So far it’s been a relief. I’m back to taking antibiotics and pain relievers. And hopefuly by the time I get back to rehab on Thursday, my staple wounds have closed and healed so I can stretch them properly.

To be honest it’s been largely depressing for me, not being able to bend past 100deg actively without pain. There are so many things I couldn’t do due to that lack of flexion. I couldn’t Indian sit, couldn’t do frog kicks in the pool, couldn’t do child’s pose, and I also have a hard time getting and out of the car.

I’ve had countless dreams where my knees are working properly and every time I wake up from them a part of me dies. I get more and more hopeless about my case. Sometimes I wonder if I just need to accept this limitation. But I also know that a lot of people are able to get their lives back after ACL repair, so I don’t know what gives.

What I do know is that I need to move to a different rehab facility. My doctor says the PT at Healthway Shang may not be that aggressive so I should try other clinics. I’ve inquired at St. Lukes Global City and have set an appointment with one of their rehab doctors. I thought it would be easy moving to a hospital but I had to schedule that a month in advance because all the slots are full. Wow. Good thing I still have a bunch of sessions left with Healthway so I could be active in the meantime.

Oh well.
